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Highlights: Murchison Falls National Park + Kibale Chimps National Park + Kazinga Channel, Queen Elizabeth National Park , Ishasha Tree Climbing Lions, + Bwindi Gorillas, Lake Mburo National Park, Virunga Massif Lake Mutanda, Lake Bunyonyi.


14 Days Uganda Safari

Welcome to Uganda The Pearl of Africa!

Arrival at Entebbe International Airport where you will be met by Representatives from Uganda Wildlife Scene Safaris .  Depending on your Flight time of arrival,  you can overnight in Entebbe or in Kampala. Overnight at: Humura Hotel Kampala

Lake Mburo National Park.

Introduction: Lake Mburo National Park, Uganda's fourth National park was gazzeted in 1982.The park covers an area surface of 256km sq and it is the only park to contain an entire lake. It offers varied scenic beauty hills.

Attractions will include : Include: Zebras, Giraffes, Impala, Topis, Wipsprings, Elands, Buffaloes,  Hippos, and a variety of bird species. Arrive in time for lunch check in to your accommodation. After lunch take your boat cruise on Lake Mburo then return and proceed for the evening game drive. Return to your place of accommodation, dinner and overnight at: Rwakobo Rock.

Lake Bunyonyi:

Introduction of Lake Bunyonyi: As its serpentine shape might suggest, is essentially a flooded valley system, extending Northwards from the Rwanda border over a distance of 25kms through the contours of the steep hills that separate Kabale and Kisoro. It is thought to have formed about 8,000 yrs ago, as a result of a lava flow from one of  the Virunga Mountains, which blocked off the Ndego River at the present day called Muko.

View of Lake Bunyonyi.

The lake has a total surface area of 60km sq, it lies at an altitude of of 1840m, known to be the deepest lake in Uganda and also the home of “otters & crayfish”. Also in its favor is the high altitude location which ensures a moderate climate and relatively low or no incidence of malaria and often becoming quite chilly at night.

Bilharzia is reliably reported to be absent from the lake, as are crocodiles and hippos, which means that swimming is very safe. Active travelers are catered for, with motorized canoes that will take you to visit the several Islands of this lake and also visit the Pigmy tribe of this area. Later return to your accommodation, dinner and overnight at;  Arcadia Lodge.

Virunga Massif & Lake Mutanda:

After breakfast we shall proceed further Southwards to Kisoro.

Stop over at the Kanaba Gap and have a great view of the Virunga Massif. Later proceed to Lake Mutanda. whether you are right on the lake or at the lodge or on a higher viewing point, the beauty of what is before you will have a most positive effect upon you there are few places as beautiful and as stunning as Lake Mutanda.

Lake Mutanda is simply one of the most scenic Lakes in all of Africa simply amazing and yet for many visitors to Uganda it is off of the beaten path. Studded with emerald isles, the Virunga Volcanoes tower around it. Dinner and overnight at Mutanda Lake Resort .

Tracking the Mountain Gorillas:

After an early breakfast you will head to the park headquarters and get the briefing from the chief park warden, then split into your groups and then its off to your adventure to meet these thrilling gentle giants of Bwindi National Park.

Tracking time varies according to the movements of these giants it could take from 30 mins to 5hrs so we highly recommend that you are in a good physical condition to trek these gorillas.

There are porters at the briefing point and if you need one to carry your equipment please do inform the warden and one will be readily available at a fee of $20 USD.

After tracking you will get back to the camp and relieve those special moments with the group.  Dinner and overnight at Mutanda Lake Resort .

Proceed to Queen Elizabeth National Park via the Ishasha Tree climbing Lions

After an early breakfast depart to the southern sector of Queen Elizabeth National Park, Ishasha, famous for the last African breed of the tree climbing lions.  Proceed with the  game drive in the park in search of these fascinating felines, forest elephants and several species of antelopes are present. Have your picnic lunch and proceed with the game drive as you will arrive to check in at your place of accommodation refreshments will be served, dinner and overnight at Ishasha Jungle Lodge.

Northern Sector of Queen Elizabeth National Park: After breakfast we will proceed to the Northern Peninsula arrive by lunch time and check in to your accommodation. After lunch you will go for an afternoon/ evening game drive which will bring you back by 7:00pm. Refreshments will be served, dinner and overnight at  Bush Lodge.

Early Morning Game drive:  After a warm wake up coffee at 6:15am at 6:30am start your early morning game drive to be in time to see the big cats in action. Game drive lasts for 3 hrs.

breakfast we will proceed to take you further down to visit the Salt Crater lake and see for yourself the process of extracting this salt from the crater lake and to exportation. Return for full breakfast. After lunch at 2:45pm take the boat cruise on the Famous Kazinga Channel which connects Lake George to Lake Edward. The cruise will last 2 hrs return by 5:00pm embark on a short evening game drive which will bring you back to the hotel by 7:00pm. Refresh, meal plans dinner, campfire and overnight at  Bush Lodge.

Sights at the Boat on Kazinga Channel.


Crater Lakes Tour of Kasenda Belt:

After Breakfast depart to Tour the Crater Lakes of Kasenda. This is Simply beautiful picturesque. Today you will be able to view about 9 crater lakes.

Stop for lunch at Nkuruba Crater Lake. After lunch you will return to your place of accommodation, refreshments, meal plans dinner and overnight at Kibale Forest Camp.


Chimp Tracking:

After morning Breakfast, head to the park headquarters arrive at 8:00am. Get the introduction from the park warden join the group and begin your adventure to meet our closest relatives the “Chimpanzees” Tracking will start and last for 3-4 hrs along the trails you will come across other primates like Black and white Colubus, Grey cheecked Mangabeys, Bird life and Plant life is abundant here.

After lunch proceed to the nature walk in the Bigodi wetland area which is also home to the Great blue turaco and also you may choose to do the Native Village walk. Later return to your place of accommodation, refreshments dinner and overnight at Kibale Forest Camp.

Murchison Falls Nationla Park: 

After an early breakfast, proceed to Murchison Falls National Park, the drive will take you through the magnificent views of the Blue mountains in Congo, and make a stop over at the top of the plateau to view the scenic blue stretch of Lake Albert. Proceed to Hoima and along the way make a stop over to stretch and have lunch. Proceed to arrive at your place of accommodation by early evening, check in dinner and overnight at  Pakuba Safari Lodge.

After an early breakfast game drive begins at 6:30 am to be in time to see the big cats and other game in action. It is with in this park that the natural beauty of the Nile is perfected. You will come across herds of

Elephants giraffes, antelopes, Uganda kobs, buffaloes, waterbucks, lions, and several bird species also the unusual saddle bill storks. Be back in time for your lunch.

In the afternoon take a 3 hour launch cruise to the bottom of the falls you will come across pools of hippos, and lots of game coming down to the Nile for therefreshing. Later get back to Lodge, Dinner and overnight  at Pakuba Safari Lodge.

Rhinos in Ziwa Sanctuary:

: After an early breakfast you will proceed to the Ziwa Rhino Sanctuary and arrive for the briefing to the guided short walk which will lead you to the Rhinos. The experience and thrill of walking by the side of these animals in this impressive piece of wooded savanna, coming to take pictures from a few meters is an unforgettable experience. Later you will return to the main offices of this reserve and fill in your comments

Have lunch and  proceed to transfer to  Kampala. Arrive by early evening check in to your accommodation. Meal plans later overnight at Humura Hotel Kampala.

Breakfast at leisure after which you will check out from your Hotel. We will do a short City tour and also visit the big African Crafts shops where you will buy some souvenirs to take back home with you. After lunch you will be transferred back to Entebbe Airport in time to check in to your flight. This will mark the end of what we know has been memorable Safari with Uganda Wildlife Scene Safaris.

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